
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

The heart of CrossPoint Children's Ministry is to connect kids to God by teaching them real, applicable, and biblical life skills to help them face life with a concrete understanding of the truth. This is accomplished through Biblical lessons, spirit-filled worship, fun activities, and through the forging of life-long relationships with their peers, teachers, and the church at large. 

KidPoint Is...


Biblical Teaching

Our first responsibility to our children is to bring them up in the way they should go, so that when they are grown, they will not depart from it. KidPoint is proud to partner with parents in equipping their children to grow up to be mature disciples of Christ. This is centered around giving them life skills that they can use to develop a personal relationship with God, share truth and love with their friends and family, and to be the light in a dark world. 

Praising God

Worship is a key component of who we are as a people. God created us to worship Him. We teach our children this from an early age as they learn to engage the Spirit through heartfelt worship. We dance and sing praises to our King; we fall on our knees and pray at an altar before Him. Wherever we are and whatever we do, we lift high The One who was and is and is to come. 


No Bible lesson is complete without a memorable way to bring what they've learned home. Sunday School is chock-full of crafts, games, singing, dancing, snacks and other adventures. Your child is welcome to participate as they feel comfortable. These activities are meant to serve as a launching board for discussions with your child. Ask about a game or activity to see what they are learning in church. Take the oportunity to ask them if they have any questions and begin a dialog about what they've learned.


Some things cannot be taught, but must be experienced. We strive to create an environment where our kids know that they are loved and valued just as much as any other member of our church. Through the activities mentioned above, they will begin to form bonds with other members of their class, their teachers, and church as a whole as we minister to one another. These bonds then become resources that our kids can use to navigate the difficulties of life with a strong support network. They know that they are never alone and can rely on their brothers and sisters in Christ to make it through to the other side.